Not Many People Work on Pipe Organs: A Tale of Establishing Identity

One of the most important tasks that a skilled genealogist must do is to establish a unique identity for an individual.  It’s really easy to make the mistake of assuming that the same name = the same person.

Whether it’s current research to identify potential heirs, or back in the 1800s, there are ways to make sure that you are researching the right person. Some of it is obvious, like birthdate, address, and spouse’s name, but even hobbies or occupation may be enough to differentiate someone

For example, I was able to demonstrate I had located the correct living individual became I found a news article forty years ago profiling him as a teenager. This particular teenaged boy was a little unusual—he was restoring a church pipe organ with a friend. When I found a man currently living who seemed to be the right person by name and age, what nailed it was the fact that he had a pipe organ restoration business!  Hobbies and interests certainly establish an identity.

If you have a family name dilemma, reach out at I’d love to help you straighten it out.

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Laurie Hermance-Moore