Professional Ohio Genealogist

Do you want to hire a top-accredited Ohio genealogist? You’ll find there is a lot to discover about your personal connection to Ohio!

Did You have Ancestors in OHIO? We Have Served Clients FRom Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, AND ACROSS THE U.s. with professional genealogical research and superior customer service to build their family trees.

Learn more about Heritage Bridge services to explore your family history.

Did you know that many people have ancestors who passed through Ohio on their way farther west—it may surprise you to know Ohio had 581,000 settlers by 1820—which spurred our ancestors to move west to find available land.

Three distinct cultural regions developed in Ohio. The Northeast corner has the Connecticut Western Reserve, which drew many people from New England. The eastern portion of the state attracted Pennsylvanians, and the southern portion attracted settlers from Virginia and Kentucky. The influence of these settlers is still evident in the architecture of those regions.

Heritage Bridge offers a number of Ohio genealogy services, including:

Ready to explore your Ohio roots?

Schedule a free consultation today.

The 1843 George Stanford home, in the Connecticut Western Reserve.

The 1843 George Stanford home, in the Connecticut Western Reserve.