Professional Illinois Genealogist


Do you want to hire a top accredited Illinois genealogist? It’s possible to uncover the stories, journeys, and experiences of your Midwestern ancestors and discover another layer of who you are.

Headstone of Thomas Padfield, died 1873

Laurie’s ancestor Thomas Padfield in the Summerfield Cemetery, St. Clair County, Illinois. He moved to Illinois in 1815.

Perhaps one of your ancestors experienced one of these historically significant events. 

  •  The Erie Canal, completed in 1825, made it easier to migrate west across New York, and the Great Lakes (MIchigan), before settling in the Chicago area. 

  •  John Deere, an inspiring pioneer, and entrepreneur, revolutionized America by making the first steel plow in 1837, allowing your ancestors to settle and farm on the prairie in Illinois and other Midwest states. 

  •  By the 1830s, Illinois gained nearly 500,000 settlers, many of whom migrated on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. 

If you’ve hit a brick wall in your research, want to know more about your ancestors, or have specific questions about their immigration routes, the team at Heritage Bridge is here for you. 


Laurie Hermance-Moore is a top accredited professional genealogist with extensive experience in the Midwest, including Illinois. 

She’s traced her own early settlers in Illinois and also served clients with research to reveal their family lineages. Her Illinois experience includes both online and local research at the Illinois Regional Archives. 

We know you work to build and maintain a sense of family traditions today. Now you can expand your family legacy by adding depth and context to your story.

Here’s how we can help your ancestral journey 


Receive accurate and credible research that connects your ancestors to Chicago, Springfield, Rockford, or any historical city in Illinois. 

Ready to explore your Illinois roots?


Schedule a free consultation today 

If you want to find a genealogist to help with a family tree, you’ve come to the right place. Let us help you build and maintain the family traditions that await you.  

 Explore your Illinois family tree with Heritage Bridge Genealogy