Professional Indiana Genealogist


Do you want to hire a top-accredited Indiana genealogist? It’s possible to uncover the stories, journeys, and experiences of your Midwestern ancestors and discover another layer of who you are.


Did you know any of these interesting facts about your potential ancestral history? 

The official symbol of Indiana, which shows a pioneer woodsman with an ax and a buffalo, symbolizes how your ancestors overcame the wilderness.   

  • Your settlers likely used the Ohio River and the Wabash as their routes to reach Indiana. By 1840, railroads were built in Indiana, making it easier to navigate the Midwest.  

  • Indiana is home to a large Amish community. In fact, Lagrange-Elkhart County has the largest community in Indiana and the third-largest in the nation.  

  • In 1880, only 7% of Indiana's population was from a foreign country and 44% of Indiana's population was from southern states. 


Major Eli Lilly of Co. E, 21st Indiana Infantry Regiment, 18th Indiana Light Artillery Battery, and 9th Indiana Cavalry Regiment in uniform] / D.M. Spurgin & Son, photographers, Green Castle, Ind. He later founded the Eli Lilly pharmaceutical company, which still operates today. (1)

Our team has proudly served clients from Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and other Indiana cities with professional genealogical research and superior customer service to build their family trees. 

 Laurie Hermance-Moore is a top-accredited professional genealogist with extensive experience in Indiana. 

 She completes onsite research at the archives and libraries in Indianapolis and the Allen County Library in Fort Wayne.

 With her expertise and passion for Midwestern genealogy, she helped a client trace their Amish ancestors from Holmes County, Ohio to Elkhart, Indiana. This is only one example of the type of genealogical research Heritage Bridge completes for our clients.

We know you work to build and maintain a sense of family traditions today. Now you can expand your family legacy by adding depth and context to your story.


Here’s how we can help your ancestral journey 

  • Forensic genealogy for law firms located in Indiana

  • Family history interviews and documentation

  • Engaging presentations to use at family reunions and events

  • In-depth review of your family history materials

 Receive accurate and credible research that connects your ancestors to Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, or any historical city in beautiful Indiana. 


Ready to explore your Indiana roots?

 Schedule a free consultation today

 If you want to find a genealogist to help with family tree, you’ve come to the right place. Let us help you build and maintain the family traditions that await you.  

 Explore your Indiana family tree with Heritage Bridge Genealogy

 (1) Retrieved from Library of Congress,