Professional Michigan Genealogist


Do you want to hire a top accredited Michigan genealogist? 

It’s possible to uncover the stories, journeys and experiences of your Midwestern ancestors and discover another layer of who you are

Photo of Grand Traverse Lighthouse

Grand Traverse Lighthouse, 1852

Michigan is home to several historical events. Perhaps one of your ancestors was present for one of these events? 

  • Explored Michigan as one of the first French settlers, who brought fur trading to the state as a vital industry.

  • Bought land from the first land office in Michigan, which began making sales in Detroit in 1818.

  • Traveled on the Erie Canal, completed in 1825. It was a significant milestone in Michigan history–this innovation made the transportation of passengers and freight between the seaboard and Michigan ports easier. 

Discover your connection to these historical events and more, and enjoy an experience that creates a sense of pride in your family’s accomplishments.

At Heritage Bridge, we specialize in providing expert genealogical research along with superior customer service to help connect you to your ancestors who made Pure Michigan what it is today.  

Our leading Midwest-accredited professional genealogist, Laurie Hermance-Moore has years of experience in Michigan, including conducting work at The Archives of Michigan and The Library of Michigan. 

Whether you want to connect to your ancestors from Detroit, Lansing, or Grand Rapids, you’ve come to the right place. 

Here’s how we can help your ancestral journey 


Ready to explore your Michigan roots?

Schedule a free consultation today

If you want to find a genealogist to help with family tree, you’ve come to the right place. Let us help you build and maintain the family traditions that await you.  

Explore your Michigan family tree with Heritage Bridge Genealogy